
List of candidates for the members of the Board of Directors of the Broadcasting Institution of Vojvodina

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 94 paragraph 4 in connection with Article 87 paragraph 2 of the Broadcasting Law ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", nos. 42/02, 97/04, 76/05, 79/05,62/06 and 85/06) and Articles 51-53 of the Statute of the Republic Broadcasting Agency ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", no. 102/05), at its session held on 22 January 2009, the Council of the Republic Broadcasting Agency determined the List of candidates for the members of the Board of Directors of the Broadcasting Institution of Vojvodina.

The List of candidates for the members of RTV Board of Directors is placed at the disposal of the public for the purpose of allowing for any objections to be raised at least 15 days before the voting on the candidates, in line with the provisions of Article 53 paragraph 3 of the RBA Statute.

Objections should be sent to the Agency's address:

Republička radiodifuzna agencija

Vasina 2-4
11000 Beograd

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