
Radio Belle Amie

Terrestrial media service

Media Service Provider's short identification sign Radio Belle Amie
Full Media Service Provider's name Radio televizija BELLE AMIE d.o.o. Niš
Approval number 58/2007-2
Approval issue date December 18, 2015
Registration Number 07415117
PIB 100618053
Address Trg Kralja Milana 6-8, Niš
Phone 018/257-111, 018/257-122
Fax 018-257-122
Email address
Representative Vidosav Radomirović
Editor Vidosav Radomirović
Ownership 1.Vidosav Radomirović-100%
Media service provider type by content General programme
Type of media service by mean of distribution Linearno-terestričko
Coverage zone Područje regiona- Rr 2/Niš, Pirot, Babušnica, Bela Palanka
Approval validity December 17, 2007 — December 17, 2023
Approval revoked date December 18, 2023
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